Andrew Keech
During the Covid-19 Pandemic some services may be a little slower and may not be available on every day.
COVID-19 Safety in store
At Myeyes, we have instigated robust Infection Control Procedures to keep risk to an absolute minimum.
This includes some things that do slightly affect service.
We are open our normal hours, however it is by appointment only. This is to manage the number of customers and allow staff to adequately monitor areas and keep on top of cleaning and infection control.
You will be asked whether you or a house/flat co-habiter currently has Covid-19. We will measure your temperature and ask you to wear a mask. I acknowledge that some are exempt from wearing a mask.
We will ask you to use hand sanitiser on entry. The Hand sanitiser unit also checks your temperature.
All products touched, will be quarantined for 3 days as cleaning is not always possible.
The store has a maximum customer number of 4 and we ask you to keep to your family group and to maintain 2m social distancing.
Soft furnishing has been removed from the waiting area and there are no toys for youngsters to play with.
The consulting room has been modified to maximise social distancing and most instruments have new larger breath screens.
These are the main areas and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our current working practices.