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Eye Examination

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Topcon 3D OCT unit with Nikon Camera

A standard eye examination is available for simple screening for eye disease and determining your spectacle correction needs. For this we charge £39. This is available through the NHS for those patients who are eligible. 
A Comprehensive Eye examination is available for helping you with a particular concern. It may be headaches or flashing lights. This involves all in a standard eye examination, but will include more in depth assessments or tests to help explain a problem. More time is allocated to you, so it is useful to know in advance that you will wish to have this examination. 
The emphasis of our eye examination is comfort for you but using "Gold standard" equipment to target your needs. Many of my instruments are the standard ones that you would find if you visited a Hospital Eye department. Here it is available for your eye examination. We have a Humphrey VFA, which has been the most respected Hospital standard instrument for checking a patient's visual field.


We have a Topcon 3D OCT 2000 for another level of assessing Glaucoma risk and investigation. It is able to measure corneal thickness and chamber angle in separate scans. It will also measure macula thickness for assessing change in Macula Degeration. This is not a standard practice unit, but a Hospital standard OCT machine. Interpretation of the outcome is important and your fee reflects  the time to capture the iages and also to analyse the data. At the time of your appointment I will analyse the reports generated
A Nikon fundus camera is used to assess patients who have ocular conditions likely to change such as glaucoma or choroidal pigmented areas. Fundus photography allows us to monitor for change, this is also the standard instrument for assessing ocular risk from Diabetic Retinopathy. 

Other services are available including specialist Colour Vision Testing and Private Minor Eye Conditions Service


NHS or Private Examination

We may be able to see you through the NHS. There are many people who get a free examination and help towards the cost of glasses and contact lenses. 
Here are some reasons for getting a free eye examination 
If you are; 
Under 16 
Under 19 and in full time education 
Over 60 
If you or your partner receive; 
Tax Credit 
Income Support 
Income based Job Seekers Allowance 
Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
If you have: 
or have a direct family history of Glaucoma and are over 40 years old 
or are considered at risk of Glaucoma (as determined by an ophthalmologist) 
a complex prescription (ie over 10 dioptres) 
a HC2 certificate

NHS Minor Eye Conditions Service

There are no age, medical or financial qualifying criteria. For us to see you under this service, you need to be registered with a GP in an area where there is funding for this service. The service we offer is through Primary Eyecare Services only. Please note that MECS is not an Eye Examination and is a consultation relating to a specific eye problem. 

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68 Exmouth Market
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